IIT Ropar to host International Conference on Digital Forensics


IIT Ropar to host International Conference on Digital Forensics

KI Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Ropar

The Indian Institute of Technology Ropar (IIT Ropar) in collaboration with the University of Tulsa, USA is organizing the 16th Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics. The conference will be held in New Delhi on January 6 – 8, 2020. 

The conference will have the participation of academicians, researchers, law enforcement personnel and government officials from 10 plus countries (including USA, UK, Hong Kong and Australia) around the world. The three- day conference comprises of 9 sessions where 21 research papers will be presented on topics like Digital Forensic Models, Network Forensics, Digital Forensic Tools and Techniques, Cloud Forensics, Mobile and Embedded Device Forensics, Industrial Control System and Forensics.

The keynote lectures will be delivered by experts such as Lt. Gen. (Retd.) Rajesh Pant, National Cyber Security Coordinator (NSCS), National Security Council Secretariat on“Digital Forensics in India”;Sanjay Bahl, Director General, CERT-In on“Digital Forensics – The Way Forward”; and Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Additional Director and Scientist E, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY)on “The Future of Digital Forensic Ecosystem”.

Talking about the conference, Dr. Gaurav Gupta, General Chair of the conference and Additional Director/ Scientist ‘E’ at Ministry of Electronics & Information Technology (MeitY) said Since criminals are most creative but lazy people on earth, these traits can be used to develop the solutions to tackle the menace of computer frauds and cyber crimes. This conference will serve as the platform for researchers and practitioners from all around the world to showcase their novel research work targeted towards that goal.” The conference will also have a poster session to showcase interesting ideas from young researchers and practitioners. Day three of the conference will have a day-long session for law enforcement professionals and specialists working at various digital forensic laboratories across India. 

IIT Ropar to host International Conference on Digital Forensics

Dr. Somitra Kr Sanadhya, the Organizing Chair of the conference and Associate Professor and HoD, Dept. of CSE, IIT Roparchairs a session on Themes and Issues on day one of the conference. Talking about his work and the conference, Prof. Somitra said “My area of work is centered around Computer Security; and Digital Forensics is an emerging field which promises to deliver solutions that could benefit law enforcement agencies to speed up investigation of cases that involve electronic evidence. My aim in being associated with organization of the 16th International Conference on Digital Forensics is to introduce Indian students interested in pursuing research in the field of Digital Forensics to top-notch research taking place in this area.” 

The IFIP Working Group 11.9 on Digital Forensics is an active international community of scientists, engineers, and practitioners dedicated to advancing the state of the art of research and practice in the important field of digital forensics. The Sixteenth Annual IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics will provide a forum for presenting original, unpublished research results and innovative ideas related to the extraction, analysis and preservation of all forms of electronic evidence.  The relevance and connect between 16th IFIP WG 11.9 International Conference on Digital Forensics with the aim and mission of MeitY is promotion of research efforts in the new and interesting field of Digital Forensics. Digital Forensics research outputs are directly related to the development of secure solutions for computer systems and cyber space.