IKGPTU VC launched upgraded official website with new user friendly features


IKGPTU VC launched upgraded official website with new user friendly features

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

I.K.Gujral Punjab Technical University has started work on more transparency through technology as New Year 2021 resolution. University has taken its first step towards this resolution by launching its upgraded official website. Prof. (Dr.) Ajay Kumar Sharma, Vice Chancellor of the University launched this upgraded official website on the same domain www.ptu.ac.in University added more user friendly features in this official website.

On the occasion of inaugural ceremony of this website VC Prof. (Dr.) Sharma said that as a technical university it’s our prime responsibility to provide students, their parents, teachers & all other stakeholders a tech savvy transparent atmosphere and this upgrade is the first step of it. VC Prof. Sharma said the New Year 2021 will be a technology transparency year for IKGPTU. He said that this is the resolution of team IKGPTU and we are humbled and sure to achieve this with the support of the state Government in all our initiatives like in the past. VC Dr. Sharma congratulated the IT team.

IKGPTU VC launched upgraded official website with new user friendly features

IKGPTU VC launched upgraded official website with new user friendly features. IT Incharge Er. Deepak Sidana shared about the details of this upgraded website. He said that now all University departments can easily update their all information at their own end & this will help the stakeholders to provide quick accurate information. During the inaugural all University department heads including Registrar Er Sandeep Kumar Kazal, Controller of Examination Dr Paramjit Singh were present and shared their inputs towards the successful run of this website.

December 31,2020