Imp update for persons with disability; special camps for preparing UDID cards


Imp update for persons with disability; special camps for preparing UDID cards

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Special camps are being organized from August 23 to September 4 to prepare disability certificates for the persons with disability (PWD) of the district.  Disclosing this here, today, District Social Security Officer, Varinder Singh Tiwana said that those PWD persons who have applied for their Disability Certificate before 18th August 2021 and if there is any pending case at the assessment level then they can submit their assessment in these camps.  Those who have been assigned to the medical portal on the online portal will be able to go there on the day of the camp and get their assessment done.

He said that the district administration in collaboration with the health department, has arranged these special camps in various government hospitals where specialist doctors examine the level of Disability and would recommend for Certificate and UDID.

Imp update for persons with disability; special camps for preparing UDID cards. Divulging the schedule, he further said that as per the special drive, these camps would be organised in CHC Patran on 23rd and 24th August, Civil Hospital Samana on 25th and 26th August.  Similarly, on August 27 and 28 at Civil Hospital Nabha, on August 31 and September 1 at Civil Hospital Rajpura  and on September 2 to 4 Mata Kushalya Hospital Patiala. He said that these camps would be held on the above places on scheduled days from 8 am to 2 pm.  He appealed to PWD Persons that in order to get prepared their disability certificate and UDID cards, must reach there on time.

About Unique Disability ID

“Unique ID for Persons with Disabilities” project is being implemented with a view of creating a National Database for PwDs, and to issue a Unique Disability Identity Card to each person with disabilities. The project will not only encourage transparency, efficiency and ease of delivering the government benefits to the person with disabilities, but also ensure uniformity.The project will also help in stream-lining the tracking of physical and financial progress of beneficiary at all levels of hierarchy of implementation – from village level, block level, District level , State level and National level.

Imp update for persons with disability; special camps for preparing UDID cards

August 22,2021