All India open selection rally for admission in Taekwondo


All India open selection rally for admission in Taekwondo

Chandigarh-Boys Sports Company, Artillery Centre, Nasik Road Camp would conduct a selection rally for induction of raw and proven players in the Taekwondo sports discipline at this centre from May 02 to May 03, 2018.

Disclosing this here today, an official spokesman of Punjab Government said that as per the information received from Officer Commanding, Boys Sports Company, the selection trials, physical and technical skills test in the sports discipline will be held under Sports Authority of India Coaches and Board of Officers. The Taekwondo players in the age group of 08 to 14 years as on May 01, 2018 and maximum up to 16 years in exceptional outstanding cases of medal winners at international or national level would be eligible for the trials.

All India open selection rally for admission in Taekwondo<br /> (File Photo)

“Commanding officer of the Boys Sports Academy has informed that the students selected would be given free boarding and education from class VI to X in English medium with all facilities, sports training, sports kits and insurance cover from the centre”, added the spokesman.

Interested eligible students have been suggested to contact the Commanding Officer, Boys Sports Company at 0253-2412523, 0253-2414421 (Ext- 6209 & 6280) for further details.