Innovation and Development Board constituted by GNDU
The innovation and development Board was constituted by Guru Nanak Dev University to give suggestions for improvement of the functioning of the University. Vice- Chancellor Prof Jaspal Singh Sandhu constituted this Board comprises of 34 members representatives from various departments and students.
This Board will meet every third Friday of the month in the office of Dean Academic Affairs and submit its report by following Monday for the consideration of the Vice Chancellor. Dean Academic Affairs will be the Chairman of the Board and other members includes Dr. BS Chadha, Microbiology; Dr. PK Patti, Biotechnology; Dr. Yubee Gill, English; Dr. Gopal Johri, GRD Sch. of Plg.; Dr. Shalini Electronics Tech; Dr. Vandna Bhalla Chemistry; Ms. Sakshi Sahni GRD Sch. of Plg; Dr. Jatinder Kaur Bot.& Env. Sci.; Dr. Venus S. Mithu Chemistry; Dr. Ravinder Kumar Electronics Tech; Dr. Sukhdeep Kaur, Electronics Tech; Dr. Sanjana Mehrotra, Human Genetics; Dr. Anup Keswan & Dr. Gagandeep Gahlay both from Mol. Bio. & Biochem; Dr. Bindiya Arora and Dr. Anupinder Singh both from Physics; Dr. Jesna Jaya Chandran, Sociology and fifteen students on rotation basis for every six months comprises one student each to be taken from the toppers as nominated by Heads of Departments taken alphabetically. This will also includes two foreign and out of state students. The Registrar will also participate as Member Secretary of this Prestigious Board.

The objective to this board will be to give the suggestions for the improvement in the working, landscaping and other constructive activities. Vice Chancellor hoped that with the constitution of this board tremendous changes would be expected as board is comprisises of members from all quarters.