Investigation panel seeks public help in missing ‘saroops’ of Guru Granth Sahib Case


Investigation panel seeks public help in missing ‘saroops’ of Guru Granth Sahib Case

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh has appointed a renowned and learned advocate Dr Eshar Singh as Chief Investigating Officer to look into the 267 missing ‘saroops’ of Guru Granth Sahib in Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) publishing house at Gurdwara Ramsar Sahib.

While starting the probe, the chief investigating officer, advocate Dr Eshar Singh, from Telangana High court, appointed by the Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar Giana Harpreet Singh, has appealed the general public “ if any person/ organization has any information regarding the above stated matter and wants to share the information, he / she may send the information to him at 96524-43960 or email him at [email protected] , within one week from today i.e August,8,2020.” He further stated that the information can be send to him  at “Dr Eshar singh, Incharge Inquiry Commission, Office Secretariat, Sri Akal Takht Sahib, Sri Amritsar Sahib-143006”

“On July 12, the SGPC executive committee passed a resolution, urging Akal Takht to get the matter probed at its own level.” Before handing over the investigation to the 2 member panel, Sri Akal Takht Sahib Jathedar Giani Harpreet Singh had admitted that “there was great resentment among the Sikh community after the incident of missing ‘saroops’ surfaced. Many queries were received from all over the world. To reveal the truth and for an unbiased inquiry, a panel has been constituted”.

Investigation panel seeks public help in missing ‘saroops’ of Guru Granth Sahib Case-Photo courtesy-Internet

SGPC’s supervisor (publication department) Kanwaljit Singh, upon his retirement on May 31, this year had revealed about the missing ‘saroops’ of Guru Granth Sahib, in the official records. He had claimed that many ‘saroops’ were destroyed during an accidental fire incident on May 19, 2016.

Punjab Human Rights Organisation (PHRO) claimed that the damage was done at a mass scale and that this fact was hidden to save the then SAD-BJP government from public wrath as the Bargari sacrilege incident was already a burning issue and the assembly elections were close.
