JGNDPSO University organises webinar on ‘Girl Child in India: Issues and Concerns’-VC


JGNDPSO University organises webinar on ‘Girl Child in India: Issues and Concerns’-VC

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

On the occasion of National Girl Child Day (24th January), Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University, Patiala, organised a webinar on ‘Girl Child in India: Issues and Concerns’. The Webinar was presided over by Prof. Karamjeet Singh, Vice Chancellor. He dwelt on the role of the Open University towards skill orientation and thus empowering females towards economic independence. He drew upon the need to honour human rights of all, be it a girl or boy. He also called upon the need to follow our holy scriptures and engage in spiritualism to remove social evils. 

In her welcome address, Prof. Anita Gill, Dean Academic Affairs, drew attention towards the issues faced by girl child even before her birth till her last breath, and called upon educationists to work towards removing the injustice towards girls.

Prof. Mary E John from the Centre for Women’s Development Studies, New Delhi, in her talk visited the 19th century when social reform of women was actually about the child, and then moved to post independence period when the notion of girl child was first coined, and discussed a range of issues around the girl child.

JGNDPSO University organises webinar on ‘Girl Child in India: Issues and Concerns’-VC

Prof. Neera Verma of Kurukshetra University stressed on the importance of economic independence of girls, and the need for inculcating a sense of economic identity in them right from birth. Women must not only be consumers, but also producers in a meaningful way in the economy, she pointed out.

Dr.Madanjit Kaur Sahota, member Juvenile Justice Board in her talk lamented the lack of sensitization towards issues involving the girl child despite the numerous laws and schemes launched. She drew examples from Sikh history to highlight the role of women in being the force behind the Sikhs, especially the Sahibzadas and forty ‘Muktas’. The webinar was coordinated by Dr.Gurleen Ahluwalia, Dr.Sukhpal Kaur, Dr.Pinky and Parampreet Kaur. Prof. G. S. Batra. Director Planning and Monitoring proposed the formal vote of thanks.

January 24,2022