Home Punjab Jolt to Congress- key congress leader resigns from Chairmanship

Jolt to Congress- key congress leader resigns from Chairmanship

Jolt to Congress- key congress leader resigns from Chairmanship
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Jolt to Congress- key congress leader resigns from Chairmanship

Kanwar Inder Singh / royalpatiala.in

In another jolt to the Congress its senior party leader Sukhjinder Raj Singh alias Lalli Majithia, who fought three assembly elections against Shiromani Akali Dal’s Bikram Singh Majithia, on Thursday resigned from the post of the chairman-cum-director, Punjab State Grains Procurement Corporation Limited (Pungrain).

Jolt to Congress- key congress leader resigns from Chairmanship  -Photo courtesy-Internet

He is one of the key congress leader in the Majha belt of Punjab.

To counter the Majha brigade in the Punjab Congress, former Chief Minister Capt Amarinder Singh appointed the traditional party leader from Majitha, Sukhjinder Raj Singh (Lalli Majithia), as the Chairman of Punjab State Grain Procurement Corporation (Pungrain) in June 2021

December 30,2021