Khalsa College organised online national seminar


Khalsa College organised online national seminar

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

School of Commerce and Management, Khalsa College Patiala organised an online Seminar on “Disruption Strategy: A Cheat Sheet in the Post-Covid World”.Dinesh Seth, Senior Vice President, Circle Head, HDFC Bank and Vishal Sood, Executive Director, Maharishi Markandeshwar Deemed University, Mullana were the guest speakers on the occasion. Faculty members of the college, graduate and post-graduate students of various streams joined the online seminar.

While addressing the staff members and students present, Dinesh Seth gave examples of business tycoons who visualised the future challenges and successfully adapted their business accordingly. Mr Seth encouraged everybody to make this year as the year of miracles rather than the year of disasters. With disruption comes opportunity and various sectors such education, entertainment, sports, banking, retail and health have proven that business can be carried out efficiently with the help technology. The Post-Covid world will be different, ruled by smart devices, smart technologies and artificial intelligence which will make everyday activities easy, fast and efficient. While concluding his presentation Seth encouraged teachers and students to change with time and never stop the process of learning and evolving. The only way to survive in uncertain and disruptive times is by innovating, adapting and learning new things.

Speaking on how pandemic has disrupted the education sector, Vishal Sood gave some important insights to how to overcome this problem. Sluggish cross border movement, passive learning, many students missing out on classes and reduced placement opportunities are some the major problems faced by educational institutions during Covid19. On the other hand, he discussed the new trends that have emerged and benefited teachers as well as students such as rise in blended learning, rise in collaborative work, new tools for hiring and teachers acting as facilitators rather than just instructors. While concluding his lecture Sooddiscussed four very important points that will help teachers and students alike in the event of any disruption. These are self-awareness, understanding the changing environment, continuous learning of new programs and skills and at last interdepartmental learning and use of technology.

Principal of the college Dr. Dharminder Singh Ubha welcomed the guests and thanked them for interacting, guiding and motivating faculty members and students on how to remain positive during hard times. He emphasised the relevance of the topic of seminar and motivated teachers and students to be courageous, strong, hardworking and learn continuously so that disruption of any kind could be converted into an opportunity.

At the end of the seminar deputy Principal of the college Dr. Jasleen Kaur presented a formal vote of thanks. She appreciated the enthusiasm of all the participants and thanked the guest speakers for a lively and encouraging session. Further, she encouraged teachers and students to keep a positive mind-set and keep moving forward and never stop learning new things in life.
