Kudos for PSPCL -hydel projects surpassed CEA generation targets-CMD


Kudos for PSPCL -hydel projects surpassed CEA generation targets-CMD

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

A.Venu Prasad CMD PSPCL disclosed that  the hydel projects of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) has surpassed the electricity generation target set by the Central Electricity Authority for the period April-2020 to January-2021 by generating 110.79 percent of the stipulated target.

CMD said that the hydel Projects of corporation has generated 4117.10 million units of energy against the target of 3716.46 million units for the period April-2020 to January-2021.

Kudos for PSPCL -hydel projects surpassed CEA generation targets-CMD

Kudos for PSPCL -hydel projects surpassed CEA generation targets-CMD. In a message A.Venu Prasad appreciated the commendable and untiring efforts of the PSPCL officers and employees for maintaining their excellence for surpassing targets during Covid 19 lockdown period.

CMD also added that with a capacity of  206 MW  Shahpurkandi Hydro Electric  Project   is being constructed on River Ravi, 11 km downstream of the existing Ranjit Sagar Dam . The letter of award for construction of civil works of power houses was issued by Water for Resources, Department Punjab Govt.to L-I firm on 21.01.2021, as such, the project is likely to be commissioned by August, 2024.

February 9,2021