Lecture on The Future of Food organized at GNDU
Amritsar– Prof Seamus Higgins representing University of Nottingham, U.K visited Guru Nanak Dev University here today and delivered a special lecutre on ‘The Future of Food: Product, Process and Beyond’ in the Guru Nanak Bhawan Auditorium of the University. Prof Balmeet Singh Gill, Head, Department of Food Science and Technology welcomed Prof Higgins to the campus. Prof Narpinder Singh enlightened audience about the academic and research achievements of the University.
Prof Higgins delivered a lecture on topic, ‘The Future of Food: Product, Process and Beyond’ to the faculty and students of the department. He discussed various new possibilities that exist in food processing sector when new technology is combined with existing processing techniques. He dwelt on the need for multidisciplinary approach for tackling research and development issues related to the food processing industry. He emphasized that the consumers now a days are quite aware and desire pure natural food for health purposes. Prof Balmeet Singh Gill thanked Prof Higgins for his kind lecture.

The mutual discussions between Prof Higgins and faculty were carried out to explore possibilities of academic and research activities among the two institutions in near future. The faculty of the department thanked Vice Chancellor, Prof Jaspal Singh Sandhu for encouraging such academic endeavours with foreign institutions that may lead to academic and research collaborations among the institutions.