Marks don’t matter-study for Knowledge Not For Marks


Marks don’t matter-study for Knowledge Not For Marks

Harshpreet Kaur, Clinical Psychologist


Patiala-It’s that exciting time of year again. Class 12 exam results will be released throughout India over the coming weeks. It can be a nerve-wracking time for both students and parents, and young people may feel on-edge or uneasy as they wait for their result. If a teenager is feeling overwhelmed or nervous, it can help to talk to them and let them know about the choices and options available. Young people should remember that their marks don’t define who they are and it is helpful for parents and teachers to remind them that exam scores are not the only path to their chosen career and life choices.

Exams are just to test our knowledge and marks are only indicators of where we stand among our peers and it fosters healthy competition. Scoring grades is important, but there several things beyond it. Our life and happiness aren’t confined to those numbers.

Exams and marks are not mere words; they have become the modern day villains. These words have broken few children’s relationship with their parents, it has taken away few kids’ life, it has made people suffer and suffocate. But, according to me, scoring marks are not completely our life; they are only a part of it. Marks and exams have made the modern day children coward. They are not able to face difficulties and accept failures. Exams are just a tool to know one understands of the subject. If a person scores low, it just means that the person has yet not understood the concept, it doesn’t mean he/she has less potential. They are not a measure of you as a person. They measure a very specific thing in very specific ways. This is often the hardest thing to explain to students – particularly those who are extremely talented, but have received bad marks.

Marks don’t matter-study for Knowledge Not For Marks

It isn’t necessary that if you put in a lot of effort, you will always succeed or score high. A person can spend hours on a project, and still get lower marks. Some people are naturally good at things, and for others it takes a long time.

If you want good marks because you want a good degree classification, then you should be using your time effectively and reading feedback from previous assignments. The marks are only a signpost along your journey through education. But here’s the thing: given the choice between a great mark and a great story, I think you should go for the latter.