Mata Sahib Kaur Education College organized extension talk on Women Safety


Mata Sahib Kaur Education College organized extension talk on Women Safety

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

N.S.S. Unit of Mata Sahib Kaur Khalsa Girls College of Education, Patiala organized an extension talk on ‘Women Safety’ in the college campus. Pushpa Devi (Inspector ,Road Safety Education Cell) was the speaker of the day.

While welcoming the Guest , College Principal, Dr.Harmeet Kaur Anand said that women are not safe anywhere in today’s society . The crime rate against women /girls in the country have risen to a great extent. The Government is taking strict measures from time to time to curb such incidents but girls should also learn self defence in order to tackle such kind of situations.

Mata Sahib Kaur Education College organized extension talk on Women Safety

Pushpa Devi shared her views regarding domestic violence and eve teasing with the students. She demonstrated various techniques of self defence for the girls and also showed them a short film regarding self defence techniques.

She also made the students download the ‘SHAKTI APP‘ and give a detailed information about its use. She also informed the students about the helpline numbers 112 & 181 which can be used in emergency situations . In the end, Dr. Gurwinder Kaur thanked the Guest . All the staff members were also present during this programme.