Medical Dental Teachers dedicate National Doctors Day to Covid-19 Warriors


Medical Dental Teachers dedicate National Doctors Day to Covid-19 Warriors

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Chaired by Dr Harjinder Singh and Dr. Renu Bala Saroa, Principals of Government Medical and Dental College of Patiala,the Patiala Unit of Punjab State Medical and Dental Teachers Association, organized a special meeting on National Doctors Day. Maintaining strict social distancing, the meeting started with two minutes of silence to pay homage to the doctors and para-medical staff who sacrificed their lives while treating corona patients.

Expressing deep gratitude to the doctors risking their personal and family life in fighting at the forefront in the battle against Covid-19, Dr Harjinder Singh said it is an honour to be a doctor, a matter of proud to be a medical teacher and the doctors of Rajindra Hospital acting as pillars of this institute, are making all out efforts to save their patients as true corona warriors.

Congratulating the faculty on this national day, Dr Renu Bala Saroa said during the ongoing pandemic the whole world is standstill but the doctors are on duties round the clock and fighting the pandemic on frontline to keep the people safe and we must salute them for their sense of dedication and commitment to duty.

President of the Association Dr DS Bhullar, said the 1st of July is marked as National Doctors’ Day in India in the memory and as a tribute to the great physician, educationalist, first Chief Minister of West Bengal, first president of Medical Council of India and the great social reformer, ‘Bharat Rattna’ Dr. B.C. Roy whose birth day and death anniversary happens to be on this date and who had contributed immensely to medical profession and Indian Medical Association.

Medical Dental Teachers dedicate National Doctors Day to Covid-19 Warriors

Recognizing the services of Dr. BC Roy the Government of India has declared July First as Doctors’ Day of the country and Dr BC Roy National Award was instituted in his name in the year 1976 for the Excellency in work in the area of medicine, politics, science, philosophy, literature and arts.

Dr Darshanjit Singh Walia, General Secretary of the Association, talking about the theme of this year “Lessen the mortality of COVID-19” released by Indian Medical Association (HQ) said the day is dedicated to the innumerable doctors who are serving during this epidemic in the primary and secondary care setups as well as the dedicated COVID care hospitals.

On behalf of the faculty, the doctors present in the meeting took pledge read by Dr Navjot Singh Khurana, to dedicate their services to patient care, patient safety and therapeutics in the COVID-19 pandemic without considerations of age, disease or disability, creed, ethnic origin, gender, nationality, political affiliation, race, sexual orientation, social standing or any other factor maintaining the utmost respect for human life.

The Association leaders on this occasion specially urged the Chief Minister Punjab Capt. Amrinder Singh to personally intervene to fulfil the long pending demands of the faculty including time bound promotions and enhancement in the retirement age of medical and dental teachers at par with other medical dental colleges in the region to 65 years instead of re-employment and also direct the Medical Education & Research Department to issue written orders for compensatory leave in lieu of the summer vacation cancelled due to Covid pandemic and reward the faculty.

The meeting concluded with vote on thanks by Dr Amandeep Singh Bakshi.
