Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day


Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day


Today, Modern Senior Secondary School, Patiala (MSSSP) celebrated a mega “On-the-Spot “OPEN” Painting Competition-2022” to commemorate Children’s Day which falls on the birth anniversary of Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru, the first PM of India.

It was under the guidance of  Nanki Singh, Trustee, Saraswati Vidyak Trust –cum- Vice President of Modern Senior Secondary School, Patiala  (MSSSP) that this event started in 2018 and she continues to be the inspiration behind this mega event. Unfortunately, due to pandemic it could not be held it for last three years. But, this year it is being held under the dynamic leadership of  Manpreet Sharma, Principal, Modern Senior Secondary School, Patiala

Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day

The children enjoyed the event and were able to express their creativity whole-heartedly which was challenging as they had to draw and colour the big white chart paper provided to them. This event is ‘OPEN’ and ‘FREE’ for all the children of Patiala to show their talent and skills.

The Chief Judge of the event  Deepika Lamba judged the paintings/collages made by nearly 1700 participants from 27 schools of Patiala. There were six categories under which this event was judged. The prizes were awarded to the winners in each category.

This celebration was held in the green lush grounds of Modern Senior Secondary school, Patiala which included music, food stalls, fun games and a lucky draw.

Manpreet Sharma, Principal, Modern Senior Secondary School, Patiala said  “the school was launched in 1948 by Mohan Singh, just after Independence, passionately believing that education was the key to India’s future success as a modern nation state’

She added that “we look forward to every single child of Patiala to participate in this grand event every year.”

Modern School organized on the spot open painting competition to commemorate Children’s Day . It was indeed a fun-filled day.

November 14,2022