An exhibition of the books published by the Publication Bureau of Punjabi University, Patiala was inaugurated by Prof. (Dr.) Sarabjinder Singh, Chairman, Guru Granth Sahib Studies Department and Bhai Gurdas Chair and Director, Publication Bureau and Press, Punjabi University, Patiala and Dr. Khushvinder Kumar, Principal of the College. The students and members of the staff purchased books of their choice and availed 50% concession on the purchase of books.
On this occasion, Dr. Sarabjinder Singh delivered a lecture on “Life, Philosophy and Literature”. He said that our generation is fortunate to have the treasure of books and the ability to read and understand them. The accumulated knowledge and wisdom of our forefathers reaches to the next generation through books. These days, we are producing robot like human beings, devoid of emotions and sensibilities and Television and social media are encouraging negative trends in the society. Illiteracy and poverty are the other hindrances in the development of the society. In such a situation, good books and literature can play crucial role. He stressed upon the students to inculcate higher values of life by reading good books. The guest speaker also answered the questions asked by the students.