Monkey menace; workshop held to reduce conflict between human and monkeys


Monkey menace; workshop held to reduce conflict between human and monkeys

KI Singh/ Chandigarh

Wild life wing of Himachal Pradesh forest department organised a one day workshop on ‘Human Wildlife Conflict’ at Shimla yesterday. The workshop was held to reduce the conflict between human and monkeys.

Forest, Transport and Youth Sports Minister Govind Singh Thakur presided over the workshop. He said that efforts are being made by the state government to find a sustainable solution to problem of monkeys in the state.

He said that sterilization of monkeys has proved to be a successful solution in the state and providing a relief to the farmers. So far, one lakh 57 thousand moneys have been sterilized in eight monkey sterilization centres of forest department in the state. Training would be provided to local people by the forest department to capture monkeys. The incentive to capture monkeys has been increased to Rs. one thousand.

Forest Minister said that 548 panchayats of the state are vulnerable to monkey menace. He said such workshops should be organized in vulnerable panchayats to provide training to the locals.

Monkey menace; workshop held to reduce conflict between human and monkeys-photo courtesy-internet

He laid emphasis on plantation of fruit bearing saplings in forests, so that monkeys don’t enter human settlements in search of food.

Additional Chief Secretary Ram Subhag Singh said that suggestions received in the workshop for controlling monkey menace would be considered for implementation.

Principal Chief Conservator Dr. Savita said forest department is committed to reduce human-wildlife conflict and the workshop was organized to discuss related issues. 1100 monkey hotspots have been identified in the state. She said from time to time a check on population of monkeys was being kept through survey conducted by forest department. 91 Tehsils/sub-Tehsils and Municipal Corporation Shimla area have been declared vermin for a period of one year.

Mayor Kusum Sadret, Deputy Mayor Rakesh Sharma and other senior officers of forest department were present in the workshop.