NAAC preparations: E-Content Equipment and other inaugurations at Govt Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala


NAAC preparations: E-Content Equipment and other inaugurations at Govt Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala

Kanwar Inder singh/ News/ December 3,2023

Government Bikram College of Commerce,Patiala witnessed a series of inaugurations under the guidance of College Principal Prof.(Dr) Kusum Lata on 01.12.2023.

Dr Ashwini Bhalla, Deputy Director,Higher Education, Punjab was the Chief Guest for the day who visited the college in order to examine the progress of different development plans going on in Govt colleges of Punjab and also to motivate the staff to prepare well for the upcoming NAAC team visit.

The program started with the Lamp lighting ceremony by the Chief guest and the CollegePrincipal.Pr. Ram Kumar welcomed the guest and narrated about the contributions made by the esteemed guest being the Deputy Director of Higher Education, Punjab.

The chief guest inaugurated the recently set up interactive panel – an E -Content equipment (purchased under Grant HE- 24) necessary for the advancement in education and which would make learning- teaching process more interesting. The chief guest also inaugurated the newly constructed Reception room and the electric panel room (under RUSA – Infrastructure Grant to colleges.)

The Chief Guest appreciated the efforts of the college head and the staff members for making preparation for the forth coming NAAC inspection. He assured and wished all the very best.

NAAC preparations: E-Content Equipment and other inaugurations at Govt Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala

The NSS Unit of the college today organized a program on World AIDS Day in which an awareness program for the students was held and also an Oath taking ceremony was conducted About 160 students attended this program.

NAAC preparations: E-Content Equipment and other inaugurations at Govt Bikram College of Commerce, Patiala. Dr. Vaneeta Rani thanked the chief guest for sparing his valuable time. The others present were Dr. Paramjit Kaur, Dr. Jyoti Tirthani,Dr. Ritu Kapoor,Dr. Rekha Rani, Dr. Rajni Bala and all the members of the staff including the office,Library and HEIS staff.