Khalsa College Patiala organised a One Day Workshop on New Teaching Methodologies in the field of Education-cum-Orientation programme for the teachers. The aim of orientation was to motivate the teachers towards the betterment of their own lives, which will ultimately lead to the perfection in the students.
Dr. Dharminder Singh Ubha, Principal of the College gave a presentation on the importance of Attitude of Gratitude which is the need of the hour today. Teachers must imbue in themselves the feeling of offering thanks to the blessings offered to us by God. He also made the teachers to take an Oath to practically apply these values in life for the holistic development.

Dr. Jasleen Kaur, Deputy Principal, while addressing teachers threw light on various aspects on teaching methodology. She emphasized upon the need of breaking traditional methods of teaching and to formulate new methods to strengthen the bond between students and teachers. Prof. Jaspreet Kaur shared her wide experiences with teachers and put fourth interesting strategies to handle students.
The Orientation rounded off with interactive session with the teachers.