Now govt to establish new Sainik Schools under ministry of defence in partnership with private players


Now govt to establish new Sainik Schools under ministry of defence in partnership with private players

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Centre government, in another move of private players entry into defence sector, is planning to allow private players to set up Sainik Schools in the country, on partnership basis.

Now, Government is proposing to bring a new scheme for setting up Sainik Schools in the country in partnership with NGOs/Private Schools/States etc. Sainik schools come under the purview of respective state governments and the Ministry of Defence.

As per available information, detailed guidelines and requisite approvals are at an advance stage. The logic behind given by the centre govt behind this move is that “the endeavor is to provide schooling opportunities in “CBSE Plus” type of educational environment by involving desirous Government/Private Schools/NGOs to partner in establishing/aligning their system with Sainik Schools ethos, value system and national pride. It envisages enrolling existing/upcoming schools to be run on the lines of Sainik Schools curriculum. The schools are proposed to be affiliated to Sainik Schools Society.”

The Sainik Schools are a system of schools in India established and managed by the Sainik Schools Society under Ministry of Defence. They were conceived in 1961 by V. K. Krishna Menon, the then Defence Minister of India, to rectify the regional and class imbalance amongst the Officer cadre of the Indian Military, and to prepare students mentally and physically for entry into the National Defence Academy (NDA), Khadakwasla, Pune and Indian Naval Academy (INA), Ezhimala, Kerala.

The Chief Executive Body of the Sainik Schools Society is a Board of Governors functioning under the Chairmanship of the Defence Minister. For exercising closer control and supervision over the affairs of Sainik Schools there is an Executive Committee under the Chairmanship of Defence Secretary. The day-to-day work of the Society is managed by JS (Trg) & Hony Secretary who is assisted by Inspecting Officers, DS (Trg), Under Secretary, Sainik Schools Society (Sainik School Cell). The staff for the cell is provided by the MoD. The local administration of the school is looked after by a Local Board of Administration whose Chairman is the GoC-in-C of the concerned Command where the Sainik School is located.

Following are the details of Sainik Schools set up during last three years:-

S. No.Name of SchoolStateYear
1.Sainik School, JhunjhunuRajasthan2018
2.Sainik School, East SiangArunachal Pradesh2018
3.Sainik School, JhansiUttar Pradesh2019
4.Sainik School, MainpuriUttar Pradesh2019
5.Sainik School, ChandrapurMaharashtra2019
6.Sainik School, AmethiUttar Pradesh2020
7.Sainik School, SambalpurOdisha2020

Now govt to establish new Sainik Schools under ministry of defence in partnership with private players-Photo courtesy-Internet

The details of the number of schools functioning at present in the country, state-wise, are as under:-

Sr. No.Name of Sainik SchoolLocation
KorukondaAndhra Pradesh
Kalikiri-ChittoorAndhra Pradesh
East SiangArunachal Pradesh
Sujanpur TiraHimachal Pradesh
RewaMadhya Pradesh
AmaravathinagarTamil Nadu
MainpuriUttar Pradesh
JhansiUttar Pradesh
AmethiUttar Pradesh
 33.PuruliaWest Bengal

This information was tabled in a written reply by Raksha Rajya Mantri Shripad Naik to a question asked by Dr Banda Prakash in Rajya, recently.

March 24,2021