Now it’s not an easy to change CBSE affiliated school for X and XII students


Now it’s not an easy to change CBSE affiliated school for X and XII students

KS Diwan/ Chandigarh

Now from this academic session, change of school for Class X and XII will not be an easy task for both students and parents. CBSE has issued a fresh guidelines for change of school by students . As per CBSE notice issued to students, parents it read “it has come to the notice of the Board that a number of students change school while studying in Class X or XII on the grounds of shifting of family, better education, distance, medical ground, etc. In order to ensure better adaptability to the academic environment of new school, students desirous of changing school may be advised to change school while studying in Class IX or in XI

All cases of admission shall be regulated by the relevant rules contained in the Examination Bye-laws.However, to streamline the process of admission in Class X/XII, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are as under:

Now it’s not an easy to change CBSE affiliated school for X and XII students (Photo Courtesy-Internet)

Now shifting of the School is possible only because of transfer of parent(s) from present place of posting to another with a request from the parent with a copy of Transfer Order attested (in blue ink only) by the Office where parent(s) of student joined after transfer.

If  shifting of family due to shifting of business, a request by parent with a Proof of old business address a change in current account address in bank record, proof of address change with tax authorities, change in TAN Card with updated new address, receipt of Property Tax/Rent Receipt. Undertaking of relationship, if student concerned has been residing alongwith his/her relatives from the date of provisional admission in new school, Electricity Bill in respect of the premises of the relative, if he or she is house owner OR two Receipts of Rent, if on rent, any Identity proof of the relative, issued by Central/State Govt. due to Purchase of House.

If a student is Shifting to Hostel a request of the parent  Statement/Declaration of the parent(s) on shifting to hostel with evidences, a certificate from the admitting school to the effect that hostel has been existing from ……… years (No. of years) ,with a fee payment receipts of hostel issued by school, proof of Hostel fee transaction i.e. Bank Statement showing debit (from parent’s account & credit to the school’s account) of both (Parent & School).

Now it’s not an easy to change CBSE affiliated school for X and XII students (Photo Courtesy-Internet)

Similarly is a student is shifting from Hostel a request of the parent along with a statement/declaration of the parent(s) on shifting from hostel with evidences, with fee payment receipts of hostel issued by previous school, in the case of shifting from Hostel to Day Boarding- School, genuine reason with documentary evidences

If a student is taking re-admission due in same school due to fail or not appeared in exams/ Improvement, a request of the parent is must along with old roll number (Admit Card) or a copy of mark statement with a seasons to change the school with documentary evidences.

If a student shifts due to better education a Request of the parent result of last five years of Board’s Examinations, qualifications & teaching Experience of Teachers teaching Class-X/XIl of the subjects opted by the student (as the case may be).

If a student’s says he is shifting due to long distance a request of the parent with an undertaking by parents about the distance (In Kms.) of old as well as new school from the residence along with a justification to be given by parent of student to change school at this stage.

If a student  is changing the school on Medical Ground a request of the parent, undertaking by the parents about the distance (in Kms) of old as well as new school from the residence along with Medical Certificate of Government Hospital.

In any one of the above said cases, all the documents of the previous school should be attested by the Principal of the previous school along with all other documents should be duly attested by the Principal of the admitting school. The report card of previous class clearly mentioned Qualified/ Passed, having obtained minimum 33% marks in all five main subjects duly attested by the Principal of school.

As per the orders, “Schools will send all the requests for Class-X and Class-Xll in one go in a particular format. No second request shall be entertained.”

The student can apply for change in school  Upto 15″ July, of the academic X/Xll session, then schools to compile all such  cases and to be sent to concerned Regional Office within O7 days (separately for Class X and XII) supported with documents . Regional Office will respond within one month or latest by 20 August. Last date for according approvals by is  15″ September, 2019 .