Octogenarian; mother of a renowned heart surgeon; on mission to stitch masks for poor


Octogenarian; mother of a renowned heart surgeon; on mission to stitch masks for poor

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Chandigarh

She might be aged but her dedication is nothing less than a gritty warrior who is on a mission to serve poor in this crisis situation by stitching masks for them.

Wife of an army personnel and mother of 3 doctors, mother-in-law of another 3 and grandmother of one doctor, Mohali phase-1 resident, Bhupinder Kaur Bedi (88) was quite worried to know that doctors and healthcare workers were facing shortage of masks after its panicky buying.

Once she saw a sample of a mask, she realized that it was a simple task for her to stitch it .  She got some pieces of cotton which she had got recently for her dress and started stitching masks at her home.  Being unable to get new cloth as the shops are closed, she uses some old cloth pieces and some of her children’s cotton clothes also.

Still very good in sewing she uses an old sewing machine that she got as a marriage gift. After her morning chores, she and her daughter-in-law who is senior pediatric surgeon make around 100 masks in a day.

Octogenarian; mother of a renowned heart surgeon on mission to stitch masks for poor

Initially she gave the masks to her son, Dr HS Bedi who is a senior cardiac surgeon at Ivy Hospital to distribute at hospital. Later when shortage was sorted out by the government, she started giving masks to poor people who would come to the nearby Gurudwara for langar and to local needy residents besides safai workers, gas delivery drivers, vegetable and milk  vendors.

She also keep on encouraging her doctors kins’, who are actively involved in the anti- Covid programme at their respective working places.

Octogenarian; mother of a renowned heart surgeon on mission to stitch masks for poor said that “We had seen partition and wars where we survived bombings and air raids “.We shall overcome this crisis also”, she opines.

April, 24,2020