On Second Day of raids 3500 Kg plastic bags seized,1150 Kg confiscated in Ludhiana


On Second Day of raids 3500 Kg plastic bags seized,1150 Kg confiscated in Ludhiana

KS Diwan/ royalpatiala.in/ Ludhiana

Continuing with the raids to curb the usage of plastic carry bags, the joint teams of Punjab Pollution Control Board and the Department of Local Bodies conducted raids on 175 premises on Tuesday evening observing 88 cases of violation of Plastic Carry Bags (Manufacture, Usage and Disposal) Control Act, 2005, informed KS Pannu, Director Tandrust Punjab Mission.

The teams seized 3500 kg plastic carry bags on second day of raids while 4000 kg bags were seized in the raids conducted on Saturday informed Pannu and added that 82 challans were issued and approximately Rs.50,000/- was collected as penalty on the spot. Shockingly,1150 kg plastic carry bags were seized from district Ludhiana alone.

On Second Day of raids 3500 Kg plastic bags seized,1150 Kg confiscated in Ludhiana-Photo courtesy-Internet

The Mission Director said that under Tandrust Punjab Mission efforts are afoot to check the sale and use of plastic bags across the State. “It is extremely unfortunate to observe that despite law in place prohibiting manufacturing, stocking, distribution, sale and use of plastic carry bags in the State, large number of violations are being noticed”.

Appealing people to shun the usage of plastic carry bags, Pannu said that plastic carry bags pose a serious environmental hazard and their usage may be terminated by all means.