One day strike; call given by various unions of PSPCL in Punjab


One day strike; call given by various unions of PSPCL in Punjab

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

Punjab state power corporation limited employees has given a one day strike call for July,22,2020.

As per information, PSEB employees joint forum, comprising Technical services union, Punjab state electricity board employees federation , employees federation Kaur Singh, PSEB thermal employees coordination committee , electricity employees front, Punjab state electricity board karamchari dal, Punjab state electricity labour organistaion, ministerial services union(regd.), workers federation, PSPCL and PSTCL (INTUC) and head office joint action committee, PSPCL/ PSTCL had planned a month long agitation ,starting from July 2, 2020 till July 31,2020,under industrial dispute act 1947 under section 22, sub section 1.

Keeping this in view, PSPCL management has issued a number of guidelines, instructions ,for regular supply of electricity, on July, 22,2020 in the state, so that the consumers didn’t feel the heat of strike.

As per instructions “all employees are directed to remain at their place of postings, at their head quarters. If any employee wants to go to head office, for any official work, their controlling authority permission is mandatory. All offices, cash counter to remain open on this day and if any employee creates a problem in the working of his/ her co worker, the seniors can take the help of the local police. Except medical leave, no other leave is allowed on the strike day. As per corporation policy of No work no pay will be implemented on striking employees.

One day strike; call given by various unions of PSPCL in Punjab
