Orientation programme at Rayat-Bahra Patiala campus
PATIALA: With the objective to give an overview of the Rayat Bahra Group to the students and to introduce them to the academic environment which they will experience, Rayat Bahra Patiala Campus organized the annual orientation programme for the newly admitted students of all the institutes on campus premises today.
The orientation programme was designed for engineering, management, pharmacy, and polytechnic and law students to help and provide them the information about campus resources, programmes and services relating to all the courses offered in the campus.
The programme commenced with the lighting of the ceremonial lamp followed by a formal welcome of the Chief Guest Ashish Kumar Bansal, Chief Judicial Magistrate, by Campus Director Dr Piush Verma.
Verma gave details of campus facilities and courses being offered to students for different trades. Dr Verma said that every student should be focused on his career and exhorted the students to have dreams and advised them to nourish their dreams with hard work, punctuality and regularity.

Dr Verma apprised the students about Grievances Cell and introduced Neena Bansal, In-Charge of the Grievances Cell, to the students. Dr Verma also emphasized on Anti-Ragging Act and informed the students about the prominence and implications of the act at Rayat Bahra Group.
Rayat Bahra Group, Chairman Gurvinder Singh Bahra conveyed his best wishes to all the fresher students and wished a glorious academic journey towards their set goals.