Under the support and guidance of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab technical university, Bathinda, A seminar cum Panel discussion was organized in the campus of Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engineering and Technology, Bathinda on the occasion of World AIDS Day. The theme of the seminar was “Awareness- A cure for the AIDS”.
Lt. Rajeev Kumar varshney; ANO; 20 PB BN NCC started the deliberation with his welcome address. He highlighted the importance of awareness talks on such sensitive issues. Dr. Ashish Baldi, Dean; faculty of pharmaceutical sciences at MRSPTU and Dr. H M Garg, SMO: Giani Zail Singh Campus College of Engg & Tech, Bathinda were the main speakers. They made the students aware about the ways which can prevent the AIDS to spread. Dr. H M garg stressed that ignorance and prejudices are the major cause for the the disease to proliferate. He lauded the efforts made by the NCC as an organization for holding awareness drives like rallies, nukkad natak, expert lectures and panel discussions for bringing a social change.

In the panel discussion Dr, Baldi, Dr. H M Garg, Ar. Ranjeet Kaur; Coordinator NSS; MRSPTU, Prof. Vivek Kaunda; ANO; 2 Pb R & V Sqn, Bathinda and Lt Rajeev Kumar varshney, Prof J S Tiwana; Dean Academic, GZSCCET, Bathinda participated and discussed various facts of the disease with special emphasis on medical, personal, social, psychological issues. Here ways and means of preventing the disease were also deliberated in length.
Vice Chancellor of Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University, Bathinda Dr (Prof) M P Singh Ishar appreciated the initiative taken by NCC unit of the Giani Zail Singh Engineering college for the awareness of the young students.