Panel discussion on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ organized by Punjabi University Psychology department


Panel discussion on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ organized by Punjabi University Psychology department

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ September 10,2024

The Department of Psychology, Punjabi University, Patiala observed the World Suicide Prevention Day on 10th September, 2024.

The event revolved around the theme: “Changing the Narrative on Suicide: Start the Conversations” with an effort towards breaking stigma and silence over the topic of suicide. In the process of nurturing dialogue over the issue from a wider perspective, experts from various walks of life were invited for their deliberations.

The panelists of the event were Khushwant Singh(Author, Activist for Social Change, Former State Information Commissioner), Dr. Aaeeyna Sood (Obstetrician &Gynaecologist), and Dr. Regina Maina(SMO, PUP). Dr. Aayeena Sood highlighted the importance of developing life skills like resilience, critical thinking, decision making and connecting to one’s family and friends amidst times of difficulty.

Khushwant Singh reminded the students of being engaged with life and not being harshly judgmental of oneself and developing strong shock-absorbers in one’s life.

Prof. D.P. Singh in his presidential address focused the attention of the audience on the meaning of existence and the perks of living life freely. He stated that the uncertainty of life has its own beauty. Life is a neutral entity and we ourselves make it either miserable or joyful.

Dr.Regina Maini reiterated the importance of a healthy life style, leading an honest, balanced and a life full of gratitude. To commemorate the importance of the day and to instill creative skills in students, poster making competition was also organized and was judged by Dr. Naina Sharma and Dr. Jagpreet Kaur.

Panel discussion on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ organized by Punjabi University Psychology department Panel discussion on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ organized by Punjabi University Psychology department

The winners of the same were Tarandeep Kaur (Ist position), Parneet Kaur (2nd position) and Gazal Babbar (3rd position).

The event in totality was a huge success as it touched upon the different perspectives on suicide and the need to protect and shield all those who feel vulnerable and isolated.

Panel discussion on ‘World Suicide Prevention Day’ organized by Punjabi University Psychology department. Prof. Damanjit Sandhu, Head, Department of Psychology emphasized that such events are very instrumental in creating awareness about suicide, encouragement for seeking help for any mental health problem, and in developing understanding, empathy and compassion for the individual who is going through a crisis at any point in life.

The theme of the event was introduced by Dr. Inderpreet Sandhu. Prof. Tarika Sandhu and Dr. Sukhminder Kaur summed up the proceedings of the day and the vote of thanks was delivered by Prof. Sangeeta Trama.