Patiala district administration initiative: launches “Sath Ch Gal Ate Hal” Program to educate villagers about stubble management


Patiala district administration initiative: launches “Sath Ch Gal Ate Hal” Program to educate villagers about stubble management

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ October 25,2024

The Patiala district administration is successfully implementing the “Sath ch Gall ate Hall” (Discussion and Solution at the Community Gathering) program to mobilize district farmers regarding stubble management. Through this initiative, officials visit farmers at community gatherings in the morning and evening to provide information on in-situ and ex-situ techniques for managing stubble.

Deputy Commissioner Dr. Preeti Yadav shared that officials conduct awareness sessions for farmers from 7 am to 8 am and from 6 pm to 7 pm at community gathering spots like village meeting areas and religious centers. Farmers are informed about the negative impacts of burning stubble remnants, and experts educate them on both in-situ and ex-situ techniques.

Dr. Preeti Yadav added that information is also shared with farmers about the Punjab government’s ‘Unnat Kisan’ app, and bookings for machinery are facilitated on the spot by the respective departments. To ensure the smooth running of the ‘Discussion and Solution at the Community Gathering’ program, the Additional Deputy Commissioner (Rural Development) has been designated as the nodal officer.

Patiala district administration initaive: launches “Sath Ch Gal Ate Hal” Program to educate villagers about stubble management Patiala district administration initaive: launches “Sath Ch Gal Ate Hal” Program to educate villagers about stubble management Patiala district administration initaive: launches “Sath Ch Gal Ate Hal” Program to educate villagers about stubble management

ADC (Rural Development) Anuprita Johal mentioned that a schedule has been prepared to cover all village gatherings across Patiala district, allowing officials to visit both in the mornings and evenings. Additionally, awareness is being raised through loudspeakers at village Gurdwaras and temples, and meetings are held with village Panchayats to further promote the stubble management awareness campaign.