Patiala ENT forum and Simran ENT Hospital conducted CME on allergy testing and immunotherapy


Patiala ENT forum and Simran ENT Hospital conducted CME on allergy testing and immunotherapy

Jasbir Kapoor/

Patiala ENT forum and Simran ENT Hospital together conducted a two day CME on allergy testing and immunotherapy on 25 and 26 May at yellow chilly hotel,Patiala.

Renown allergists Dr.D.M Tripathi from Mumbai and Dr.Sarika Verma from Gurgaon conducted sessions on allergy disease, allergy testing and immunotherapy. Skin prick testing is the gold standard of allergy testing. Detailed discussion about allergy vaccination by oral drops and injections was also done.


80 doctors from Amritsar, Patiala, Sangrur , Nawashahar and other parts of Punjab attended the two day workshop. The workshop helped in training of doctors for diagnosing and treating the allergy .

Dr Harsimran Singh said”Depending on the type of allergy you have, you can train your body to become less allergic. Immunotherapy is a preventive treatment for allergic reactions to substances such as grass pollens, house dust etc.”

Dr Harsimran Singh further said that “The Simran E.N.T Centre is dedicated to expanding the frontiers of diagnosis , treatment and research of disorders of the ear , nose and sinuses , throat and the anterior skull base. Excellence is demonstrated daily through centre’s sophisticated use of flexible and rigid endoscopes, newly developed video camera system and fine binocular microscopes. With the help of world class equipment available in our outpatient department several procedures like endoscopic cauterization in epitasis patient and biopsies of certain nose and throat lesions could be performed. More cases of foreign bodies in this region can be removed with ease.”