Phenomenal increase in power theft in 12 PSPCL divisions before Punjab polls
Bahadurjeet Singh /Rupnagar
In the run up to the Punjab elections, there has been a phenomenal increase in power theft last year in the notorious theft- prone 12 divisions of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) and PSPCL is losing Rs 1,200 crore every year in the state’s politically sensitive areas.
As per Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission data(PSERC),the distribution losses, excluding agriculture power, of these 12 divisions vary between 45 % to 82 % an increase of about 10 % over the last year’s losses. The number of PSPCL divisions having distribution losses more than 50% has increased from 4 to 10 during the nine-month period ending September 2021.
Taran Taran and Amritsar circles in border zone are the two circles of PSPCL where power theft is a way of life for the last so many years.. In Tarn Taran circle Bhikhiwind, Patti, and city divisions of PSPCL have losses of 81.83% ,73.55 %, and 51,9 % respectively. In Amritsar suburban circle West, Ajnala, and Sub-urban have losses of 62.06 %, 62.9 %, and 45.33 %, respectively.
There are certain other pockets in Punjab where power theft is also rampant and these areas which include part of Sangrur, Bhatinda, Ferozepur, Faridkot and Muktsar circles.

In Sangrur circle,Lehragaga and Patran have losses of 56.47 % and 51.81 %respectively. In the Muktsar circle Malout division has losses of 47.88%. In Faridkot, Baghapurana division has 52.95 % losses. In Bhatinda, Bhagtakalan has losses of more than 57.82% In Ferozepur, the Zira area has losses of more than 61.57 %.
PSPCL in its ARR for 2022-23 has attributed that the main reason of losses under these divisions is huge power theft. Most of these divisions fall under the border belt which is the epicenter of power theft.
V K Gupta spokesperson, All India Power Engineers Federation said that the unchecked continuous theft of power in Punjab is basically supported by the politicians of all shades which is causing huge losses to the PSPCL.
This fact is known to the administration who has turned a blind eye to the politically sensitive issue. It is hoped that now AAP government will give necessary help to PSPCL management to curb the theft of power in these areas.