Pioneer in research; Punjabi University innovation for deaf is converted into 22 official Indian languages
Kanwar Inder Singh/
Research Centre for technology development for differently Abled persons, Department of Computer Science, Punjabi University Patiala had released prototype for basic announcement system at Railway Stations and Airports for deaf in English in coloration with DAV College Jalandhar. Prof. Vishal Goyal, Coordinator and Dr. G.S.Josan, Coordinator of this research centre along with Dr. Lalit Goyal, Associate professor, DAV College Jalandhar had developed this system with a small grant of 10 Lakh rupees funded by a Public Sector Unit, SAAR from New Delhi. They released just 4 Lakh out of this sanctioned one which was used for the development of announcement system for airports only. Railway announcement system protocol has been developed without any funds till date.
Dr. Vishal Goyal and his team is doing research for the social cause ignoring the fact that they are not getting any funds for this nobel work but still they are doing their best efforts to server this deprived part of our society for making their lives better.
Looking his work and getting motivation from his dedication towards serving the society without any self interest, 21 institutions across India joined hands with Dr. Vishal Goyal and his team for the extension of this project for rest of the 22 official Indian languages. Among these are – Assamese (Dr. Amalesh Gope, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Tezpur University, Napaam, Sonitpur, Assam and Tulika Gogoi, Ph.D. Research Scholar, Department of English, Tezpur University), Bengali (Dr. Niladri Sekhar Dash, Professor & Head
Linguistic Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, 203, B.T. Road, Kolkata and Dr. Alop Pal, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat, Purba Medinipur, West Bengal), Hindi(Dr. Basant Agarwal, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, IIIT Kota and Dr. Parshant Singh Rana, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Thapar University Patiala), Kannada(Dr. Basavaraja Kodagunti, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Kannada, Central University of Karnataka, Kadaganchi, Kalaburgi), Kashmiri(Mr. Maajid Bashir, Assistant Professor
PG Department of Computer Science, SSM College of Engineering, Parihaspora Pattan Baramulla, Kashmir), Konkani(Dr. Kavita Sanjay Asnani, Associate Professor, State Higher Education Council, Directorate of Higher Education, SCERT building, Porvorim, Penha de França, Goa and Sushant K. Naik, Assistant Professor, PG Department of Konkani.

Govt. College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Quepem – Goa), Malayam(Dr Rajeev R R, Programme Head, International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS), Thiruvananthapuram –Kerala and Renu S, Research Assistant, International Centre for Free and Open Source Software (ICFOSS), Thiruvananthapuram –Kerala), Manipuri (Dr Nongmeikapam Kishorjit Singh, Assistant Professor, HoD, Computer Sc and Engineering
Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Manipur, Mantripukhri, Imphal), Odiya(Dr. Sujata Dash, Associate professor &Head, Department of Computer Application,
Maharaja Sriram Chandra Bhanj Deo University, Baripada and Dr. Sitanath Biswas, Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Science, Gandhi Institute for Technology, Bhubaneswar), Punjabi(Dr. Rajeev Puri, Assistant Professor, DAV College, Jalandhar and Dr. Gurpreet Singh Josan, Associate Professor Department of Computer Science, Punjabi University Patiala), Tamil(Dr. S.Arulmozi, Associate Professor, Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad and Dr. K. Parameshwari, Assistant Professor, Centre for Applied Linguistics and Translation Studies,
University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad), Telugu(Dr. MC Kesava Murty, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Dravidian & Computational Linguistics, Dravidian University, Kuppam ,Andhra Pradesh and Dr. M. Prasad Naik, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Dravidian &
Computational Linguistics, Dravidian University, Kuppam 517425), Urdu(Dr M.J.Warsi, Department of Linguistics, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, UP), Dogri(Dr. Preeti Dubey, Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science, Government College for Women
Parade Ground Jammu, J&K) English(Dr. Lalit Goyal, Associate Professor, DAV College, Jalandhar and Dr. Vishal Goyal, Punjabi University Patiala), Gujrati(Dr. Jyoti Pareek Professor, Department of Computer Science, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad and Dr. Kalyani Patel, Assistant Professor, M.Sc.(CA & IT) KS School of Business Management Gujarat University, Ahmedabad).

The beauty of this project is that all the consortium members have extended their contribution without any funds and they are working without any self interest for social cause.
Announcements at Railway Stations and Airports have already been collected by Dr. Vishal Goyal and Dr. Lalit Goyal which has been corrected by Dr. Amlesh Gope. These are now being translation into above mentioned languages by respective language expert contributors in this project. Their Ph.D. students Rakesh Kumar, Annu Rani and Gurdeep Singh have contributed a lot in this project.
Moreover, President of Patiala Deaf Foundation, Jagdeep Singh has extended his contribution by recording all the announcements by his own. These videos will be added into this system.
This will be first of its kind system in the world which will be available multiple languages at one platform.
Prof. Dharam Veer Sharma, Head of the department, Department of Computer Science , Principal, DAV College, Jalandar, congratulated the whole team for their contribution for the society.
Prof. Rajesh Kumar Bawa, Dean, Faculty of Computing Sciences extends his best wishes to the whole team for the success of this project.
Prof. G.S.Batra, Dean Research, Punjabi University Patiala was overwhelmed to find the contribution by Punjabi University professors. He said interdisciplinary research is the key to success these days.
February 23,2021