Placement Drive at Asian Educational Institute


Placement Drive at Asian Educational Institute

Gurjit Singh/ Patiala

Asian Educational Institute organised a campus placement drive. The students from the Department of Science (B.Sc. Non-Medical) and Management (BBA, MBA) participated in the drive.

The company that visited the campus was Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai. In the recruitment process, the HR Head, Dheeraj Advani interacted with 26 students of different departments. Secondly, Company’s Representatives divided the students in small groups and interacted with them. Out of above 26 students, only 20 got selected for the personal interview.

Among these educates 14 were selected on the basis of their good communication skills, knowledge and aptitude. The selected students will get the package of 3.6 Lakhs per year.

Placement Drive at Asian Educational Institute

“The aim of the training and placement cell is to mould all the students of the Institution through training, workshops and seminars so that they can meet the industry expectation and place themselves in top companies” said Chairman of Asian Group of College, Patiala Tarsem Saini .

He appreciated the sincere efforts of students and Training and Placement Cell Incharge Dr. Sapna Rathore, and said that making the student’s job ready is our prime focus. He further added that Asian Group of Colleges, have been strengthened over the years and achieved many milestones in its journey towards placing students in one of the best organisations of the Country. Director-cum-Principal of Asian Group of Colleges, Patiala Dr. Inderjeet Singh congratulated the students and said that many such organizations will visit the college campus in near future.