Play field set for 2021’s last election of Patiala; rival group took different initiative


Play field set for 2021’s last election of Patiala; rival group took different initiative

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Finally, the play field has been set for 2021’s prestigious election of Royal city Patiala, to elect 12 members of Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club, Patiala.

Today is the last day to file the nomination for the post of President, vice president, general secretary, treasurer, joint secretary and seven executive members.

Play field set for 2021’s last election of Patiala; rival group took different initiative

For the post of president, both groups have fielded a doctor. One group fielded renowned orthopedican Dr JPS Walia and Gymkhana Goodwill group fielded renowned cardiologist Dr Sudhir Verma.

The interesting point of this year Rajindra Gymkhana and Mahindra Club, Patiala election is that Gymkhana Goodwill group has broken the trend, by fielding a woman Dr Sangeeta Handa, for the post of executive member, as it always remained a men’s dominated election. She retired as a Principal of Govt Mohindra college, Patiala.

When contacted the Gymkhana Goodwill group general secretary candidate Vinod Sharma, he confirmed that “yes, it’s for the first time in the history of Rajindra Gymkhana & Mahindra Club Patiala that a woman is going to fight an election for the executive committee. The club has 300-400 women members. To look after their needs, demands our group has decided to field an educated lady for the executive post.”

Play field set for 2021’s last election of Patiala; rival group took different initiative

The ruling group has fielded four renowned doctors of the city. Where as the rival group has fielded two renowned doctors if the royal city.

Play field set for 2021’s last election of Patiala; rival group took different initiative. As per available information, no group has released any manifesto for the upcoming elections. They would release the same in the coming days.

The election is schedule for December 29, 2021. An annual general meeting is going to be held on that date. After the AGM, elections will be held.

December 18,2021