Police DAV Patiala students won accolades by Postal department


Police DAV Patiala students won accolades by Postal department

Gurjeet Singh/ royalpatiala.in/ Patiala

On the eve of 150th anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi , the postal department had organized various events in which students of Police DAV Public School Patiala won various prizes. Kamaljeet Kaur of class 12 won first prize in painting competition , Simar Sindi and Diya  shared first position in declamation competition and Yogita of class 10 stood second in the debate competition.  Many schools of Patiala had participated in the events on the theme of Mahatma Gandhi’s life. An open quiz was also held wherein students won various prizes on answering questions related to  Gk, Mahatma Gandhi, tongue twisters ,etc . The school quior recited patriotic songs that mesmerized everyone present in the Harpal Tiwana auditorium. Students also had a glimpse of the exhibition depicting various stamps and postcards of great importance.

Police DAV Patiala students won accolades by Postal department

On the occasion the school principal Meena Thapar expressed her greetings to the postal department for organizing such events to boost the knowledge of students. She thanked the esteemed members of the postal department in this regard.She further motivated the students to participate  more in such events and win laurels for their parents and school.

Patiala Postal Division has organized a District Level Philatelic Exibition ‘PATIALA PEX-2019’ on 12th and 13th October, 2019 at Harpal Tiwana Centre for performing arts, Nabha Road, Patiala on Gandhian Theme.