Police DAV public school Patiala celebrate Dushera


Police DAV public school Patiala celebrate Dushera

Bureau/ royalpatiala.in

Dussehra is the festival of celebration of victory of good over evil. It is celebrated on the tenth day of Navratras.
To celebrate the day with full zeal, the students of Police DAV Public school Patiala participated in the special assembly. The students of primary wing were dressed up in colourful attire and as characters from  the Ramayana. Students of UKG class recited a poem to mark the day. They mesmerized everyone with their poetic skills. Students of class 1&2 recited poems and organised a Puppet show depicting scenes from Ramayana related to Dussehra.

Seema Sharma  shared the information about the festival with the students. They all made the audience spellbound with their artistic and speaking skills.

Police DAV public school Patiala celebrate Dushera
Students from classes 3 to 5 delivered speeches highlighting the importance of the day. They participated enthusiastically in Mask Making activity wherein they showcased their talent in making mask of Ravana, the demon king. They wore their masks and won applause.

On this occasion the school principal Meena Thapar applauded the efforts of the students and staff in celebrating the day . She inspired them to follow the right path to achieve success in life. She also added that one must kill all the negative attributes like envy, hatred, jealousy, etc within oneself on this special day. We should spread love and harmony. We must celebrate such days with everyone and live in peace.
The meeting ended on a festive note.

October 15,2021