It was a day to reminisce the people who fall prey to road accidents on the World Remembrance Day celebrated all over on the Third Sunday of November every year. This day was celebrated in Police DAV Public School, Patiala, also as per the instructions of the Police Department. This day is intended to respond to the great need of road crash victims for public recognition of their loss and suffering . A special assembly was conducted wherein the students from classes I to X participated. Speeches were delivered by Ashween, Sumedha and Harleen students of classes IX and X to create awareness about the day and ways to avoid accidents. A quiz was conducted in this regard too. Students participated enthusiastically in the essay writing competition on the topics of “Road Safety, a way to live, Drive Safely, live safely & Fast drive can be the last drive’’ and so on.
Students took part in the poster making competition on the topic of Road Safety, Follow Rules for life, etc. with a lot of zeal. They exhibited their talents and displayed their creative skills as well.
A skit was presented by the primary students, highlighting the importance of road safety and the after effects of driving rashly.

The school Principal, Ms Meena Thapar, addressed the students and sensitized them about how to help the people involved in any accident by dialing 101 for ambulance without any inhibitions feeling that they might get into trouble. We should have compassion for such people, so as any our family member might not face such a situation. Also tips were given how to drive safely and with proper documents always.
The students took an oath to pay heed to such points and follow rules in order to have a safe and secure life. They also pledged that they would help and guide others to those found flouting the rules. She further wished everyone a safe and successful life.
Finally, certificates were awarded to the winners and students were applauded for their sincere efforts in making the day a success.