Postal department organising letter writing competition; last date extended


Postal department organising letter writing competition; last date extended

KI Singh/ Patiala

To celebrate 150th Gandhi Jayanti Department of Posts has introduced  a Letter Writing Competition on the subject, “Dear Bapu You are Immortal”  बापू आप अमर है . This National Level Dhai Akhar Letter Writing Competition has the prize money for Rs. 50000/-. For this different schools as well as colleges even University students are being approached  for writing the letter by students.

Postal department organising letter writing competition; last date extended.

In Patiala Postal Division has received 3000 entries till date. The last date of receipt of entries has been extended to 31st January, 2020.

Postal department organising letter writing competition; last date extended-Photo courtesy-Internet

The word limit for Inland Letter is 500 words and for A4 Size the word limit is of 1000 words. The letter is to be addressed to Chief Postmaster General, Punjab Circle, Chnadigarh-160017 and same can be posted in any letter box or can be handed over to the office of SSPOs Patiala Division, Patiala-147001 posted or any SPM or BPM . The letter must contain complete address of the participant with the date of birth. Selected entries will be awarded 50000/-, 25000/- and 10000/- respectively for first, second and third prize.