Power engineers and employees gear up against Electricity Bill 2022


Power engineers and employees gear up against Electricity Bill 2022

Bahadurjeet Singh/ Rupnagar

Power engineers and employees ,under the banner of National Coordination Committee of Electricity Employees and Engineers (NCCOEEE) ,have geared up against the  Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022, said, V K Gupta Spokesperson All India Power Engineers Federation (AIPEF) on Monday.

He said that the Union cabinet has reportedly approved the Electricity Bill 2022 which is likely to be passed in ongoing session of Parliament. NCCOEEE is holding a conference  in New Delhi tomorrow to deliberate on the far-reaching ‘regressive’ impact of the Electricity (Amendment) Bill 2022 on the power sector.

V K Gupta said that  prominent MPs of all political parties had been invited to the conference and they would be urged to support the agitation against the bill in the public interest.

He said that the government has claimed that the main feature of proposed  Electricity (Amendment) Bill is to give choice to consumers through the “multiple distribution license”. Practically this  aims to help private players in looting by using  the infrastructure of state distribution companies without making any investment.
He said that the claim of the power ministry that the Bill is based on the stakeholders’ comments and consultations is not correct as  the main stakeholders, like consumers, power sector engineers,  and employees have not been consulted at all.

Power engineers and employees gear up against Electricity Bill 2022
VK Gupta

Power engineers and employees gear up against Electricity Bill 2022. This will have far-reaching consequences. Without taking all the states  on board, it should not be placed in Parliament. There is a need for a ‘comprehensive white paper’ eliciting views of the states and the  stakeholder before proposing amendments to the Electricity Act, 2003, and placing them in Parliament. Subsequently, the Bill should be referred to Parliament’s Standing  Committee on Energy, he said.

Gupta said that since Electricity Amendment Act 2022 has a major feature to provide consumer choice government  should take cognizance of the  massive failure that occurred in 2021 in UK electricity as per the report of 26th July 2022  accepted in UK Parliament The report admits that UK Electricity consumers have taken a huge hit by way of loading the costs to be recovered from them, while at the same time allowing new supplier companies to charge and recover costs from consumers without any fault.

August 1,2022