Power minister urged farmers to use water, operate tube wells according to their needs


Power minister urged farmers to use water, operate tube wells according to their needs

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ May 6,2024

Punjab’s Minister of Power Harbhajan Singh ETO has emphasized that every drop of water is precious, and water security is essential for life. He further said that the Rabi crop season is almost over so, PSPCL has started the supply of electricity to agri tubewells in day time.

The Minister of power  stressed that despite the fact that there is no dearth of electricity in Punjab still judicious use of groundwater is crucial .Farmers are appealed to use water according to their needs. He stated that every drop of water is precious and the importance of water is also highlighted in Gurbani by stating “Pavan Guru Pani Pita Mata Dharat Mahat..”

Power minister urged farmers to use water, operate tube wells according to their needs-Photo courtesy-NewsClick
Tube well

He clarified that Although PSPCL does not have a shortage of electricity; the situation of water beneath the ground in the state is also not hidden from anyone. Therefore, farmers need to operate tube wells according to their needs. He emphasized that farmers should save water for future generations, as water conservation is a necessity, and it is our duty to support the government’s initiative in this regard.