Prestigious project for MRSPTU-AICTE assigned translation of engineering books from English to Punjabi to MRSPTU…


Prestigious project for MRSPTU-AICTE assigned translation of engineering books from English to Punjabi to MRSPTU…

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ July 28,2023

Under a major initiative of All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), Delhi, the Maharaja Ranjit Singh Punjab Technical University (MRSPTU), Bathinda will translate the under graduate and diploma courses engineering books from English to Punjabi.

The All India Council for Technical Education, which handles engineering education, had agreed to teach engineering education in Punjabi on the basis of the National Education Policy-2020.

In a press release issued here, Vice Chancellor, Prof. Buta Singh Sidhu said that the responsibility of translating under graduate and diploma courses technical books from English to Punjabi has been entrusted by the AICTE to the  MRSPTU, Bathinda. He said the move will enable the students to learn engineering education by breaking the language barriers. The student will understand the concepts of engineering in their mother tongue with more clarity.

He said that the work of translation from English to Punjabi is going on in full swing and large number of people are being employed for translation work by the university.  He said that after the translation, the books will be given to the Technical Education Board of the state and possibly the Punjabi books will be implemented in the coming session. He further said that engineering education in Punjabi will increase the number of students in these streams.

Prestigious project for MRSPTU-AICTE assigned translation of engineering books from English to Punjabi to MRSPTU…

The VC further informed that as per the spirit of NEP-2020 the university has already started B.A. in Computer in Punjabi language and to promote mother tongue and provide technical education in Punjabi language.

He said that the move aims at uplifting the academically poor students from remote villages. If the students understand the concepts in their mother tongue, they can remember and apply them better.

It is worthwhile to mention here that the fear of encountering the English language at the higher education level has been creating barriers for many students to enter the Engineering and professional fields.

Prestigious project for MRSPTU-AICTE assigned translation of engineering books from English to Punjabi to MRSPTU…. Coordinator of the Programme, Dr. Balwinder Singh Sidhu that the 1st year books related to under graduate and diploma courses has already been submitted, while the work is in progress for the 2nd year technical books.