Promises unkept: powercom JEs re-launches stir for their legitimate demands; management imposed “No Work, No Pay” rule


Promises unkept: powercom JEs re-launches stir for their legitimate demands; management imposed “No Work, No Pay” rule

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ November 3,2023

Council of Junior Engineers PSEB, has launched their agitation from today in view of the anger arising among the junior engineers due to the unnecessary delay in settlement of main demand of enhancement of initial pay of Power Junior Engineers and other important demands. This was informed to the press by Er. Davinder Singh, State General Secretary of JEs Council.

Er. Paramjit Singh Khattra State President and Er. Davinder Singh- State General Secretary of JEs Council jointly stated that in the past, the high level committee formed by the Punjab government has recommended to grant initial Pay to Power Junior Engineers @Rs.19260/- on the pattern of JEs of the Punjab government by maintaining requisite differential in pay with placement in separate group in the Pay conversion table. However, when the case was sent to the Finance Department of the Punjab Government for approval, the Finance Department though approved it on 24-08-22, but some unnecessary conditions were also imposed. PSPCL Management has repeatedly written letters to the Punjab Government (Finance Department) in the past to remove these conditions, but the Finance Department has not yet agreed to remove the conditions. Resultantly, Power Junior Engineers are being paid less initial pay of Rs.17450/- even though State/Punjab Government JEs are drawing higher initial pay of Rs.18250/- since 01.12.2011. Hence, widespread resentment is prevailing amongst Power Junior Engineers regarding this discrimination.

The leadership further informed that after taking stock of the situation, the central working committee of the JEs Council held a meeting at Ludhiana on 21-10-23 to focus the attention of the concerned officials of the Punjab government on the above issue and an indicative struggle program has been drawn up. During, the first phase of agitation, protest rallies in front of all PSPCL Circle H.Q. on 03rd November 2023, a one day long Symbolic peaceful Dharna in front of PSPCL H.Q., Patiala by the entire Central Working Committee leadership on 10th November 2023. Further, a batch of seven members comprising two circles jointly sit on hunger strike daily for 24 hours from 15th November 2023 to 24th November 2023 in front of the Powercom Head Office, Patiala.

Promises unkept: powercom JEs re-launches stir for their legitimate demands; management imposed “No Work, No Pay” rule
PSPCL employees agitation-File Photo

Further, the leaders of the JEs Council said that the Power Management had a meeting with the Council on 25-05-23 but the concerned officials have not shown any seriousness towards the issues that were agreed upon, due to their evasive attitude various crucial demands of Power Junior Engineers are pending. There is undue delay in implementing the remaining recommendations of field difficulty committee. Apart from this, Power Junior Engineers are being harassed by the police by registering FIR against them in order to hold them responsible for the fatal electrocution accidents that happened with power lines/equipment with private persons and outsourced contract employees.

Promises unkept: powercom JEs re-launches stir for their legitimate demands; management imposed “No Work, No Pay” rule. The leadership of the JEs Council has requested to the Power Minister and Principal Secretary/Power Punjab Government to intervene and resolve the pending demands of the Power Junior Engineers from the Punjab Government as soon as possible, otherwise the Power Junior Engineers will be forced to start the second phase of their struggle.

Promises unkept: powercom JEs launches stir for their legitimate demands; management imposed “No Work, No Pay” rule