PSERC appointed Sanjeev Kumar appointed as Chairperson to CGRF


PSERC appointed Sanjeev Kumar appointed as Chairperson to CGRF

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

The Punjab State Electricity Regulation Commission (PSERC) has appointed Er Sanjeev Kumar (59) as Independent Member cum Chairperson to the Consumer Grievances Redressal Forum (CGRF), PSPCL, Ludhiana.

The appointment has been made in accordance with the provisions of the PSERC (Forum and Ombudsman) Regulations 2016.

PSERC appointed Sanjeev Kumar appointed as Chairperson to CGRF

Er Sanjeev Kumar s/o Sh. Om Prakash was born on December 12, 1960 in Jalandhar. He did his graduation from Punjab Engineering College in 1984 and joined Punjab Electricity Board as AE in May 1985. Er Sanjeev Kumar worked with dedication for 33 years on various positions and he had retired as Chief Engineer (Distribution) North Jalandhar in December 2018.

Now, Er Sanjeev Kumar will be carrying out the functions entrusted to the Forum at Ludhiana Headquarters.  This appointment shall be for a period of two years. Tenure may be extended for a period of one year subject to overall age limit of 65 years.
