PSPCL management’s domineering behavior came to fore; engineers raised question on paddy season preparations


PSPCL management’s domineering behavior came to fore; engineers raised question on paddy season preparations

Kanwar Inder Singh/

Once again Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) management’s domineering behavior is highlighted by its engineer’s association. The PSEBEA has raised the voice of resentment towards the working of its management and wrote a letter to its CMD, show their displeasure over its anti establishment decisions.

Jasvir Singh Dhiman, president of PSEBEA said “ the world over it is acknowledged that the basic principle for any Management to succeed is to listen to the feedback given by the stakeholders and take corrective action as per best of its ability. However, PSEB Engineers’ Association regrets to point out that PSPCL management has adopted  different approach wherein in its own wisdom, it has decided that the best strategy is to browbeat anyone who point out bottlenecks in the system, so that the problems may be kept under the carpet and thereafter, if anything negative happens, blame the concerned officials for this lapse. Such hostility will result in most of the engineers preferring to remain silent in the management meetings, instead of giving timely feedback regarding the system bottlenecks. “

He further added that “ due to various reasons, management failed to think big and was not able to procure essential materials required for performing the primary duty of the corporation i.e. maintaining reliable supply to the consumers of the State. The decisions on material procurement are being taken purely on the financial front, totally ignoring the fact that PSPCL is an “Engineering Company” and a minor financial disadvantage at the time of procurement of engineering items may actually be a good decision if the cost to be paid by the company is calculated vis-a-vis loss that has to be incurred due to non availability of such materials and essential T&P. There are a number of such cases where such decisions have been taken purely on a financial front that cost dearly to the company. Association has highlighted the  shortage of material  during various correspondence but management has repeatedly failed in procurement of essential materials for the upcoming summer season.

PSPCL management’s domineering behavior came to fore; engineers raised question on paddy season preparations-Photo courtesy-Internet

Now, it has come to our knowledge that the management in its attempt to hide its failures has initiated disciplinary action against the same engineers who have brought this matter to the attention of the top management. Association deplores and condemns such regressive actions of management to fabricate a hostile environment in the corporation. Association demands that the decision to initiate disciplinary action against engineers be withdrawn immediately. It is suggested that instead of browbeating the engineers to silence and creating a hostile environment, management should immediately act on the technical feedback being provided by its engineers.”

Ajaypal Singh Atwal, secretary of the enginners association said “ it is our bounden duty as a body of professional engineers of the power sector to warn the management that non availability of critical materials like cables, poles, transformers, non availability of sufficient regular staff and lax decision making at management level is detrimental to ensuring the energy security of the State during this critical juncture; and will adversely affect the service of providing 24×7 reliable power supply to the public, farmers and healthcare facilities of the State for which only management will be responsible. Association humbly appeals to you to take proactive decisions in the interest of the corporation and safeguarding the energy security of the State instead of discounting the timely feedback being provided by the engineers.”

They forwarded the copy of the letter to the CPS to CM Punjab, chief secretary, ACS Power, CMD PSTCL, all the directors of PSPCL/ PSTCL with a request to intervene in this urgent matter to ensure energy security of the State.

May 29,2021