PSPCL on its own mission fateh; tightening noose over power theft


PSPCL on its own mission fateh; tightening noose over power theft

Kanwar Inder Singh/ Chandigarh

PSPCL Director distribution Er.Daljeet Inderpal Singh Grewal disclosed that  48 no.’s teams of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited on Tuesday conducted mass raids in the early morning in Amritsar City and close by areas in a bid to curb huge losses caused by power theft.  Er.DPS Grewal said that in this exercise, total fine of Rs. 66 lakh was imposed to consumers involved in this illicit act. He said that PSPCL  teams have  checked 3010 no.’s of connections and found 200 connections were found to be stealing electricity. He also said that this checking was conducting as a part of massive drive launched by PSPCL to eradicate this malpractice of power theft. He also added that  14 no.’s meters seems to be suspicious and were packed on the spot for further investigation in the ME Lab in order to detect any kind of tampering. Further, Total 48 teams from Amritsar, Gurdaspur and Tarn Taran Circles participated in these joint raids. These  joint raids was conducted as per directions of PSPCL CMD   A Venu Prasad.

PSPCL on its own mission fateh; tightening noose over power theft               PSPCL on its own mission fateh; tightening noose over power theft

Er. DPS Grewal said  that yesterday at (on August 17)  Jalandhar and around the city around 2321 connections were checked by 47 teams and found 214 consumers under different lapses. of which 81 were found under Direct Theft and fine of Rs 29.12 Lac, 27 consumer were found on account of Theft of Meter Tempered and an amount of 8.92 Lac was imposed, 41 consumers were found to meter were defective and a fine of 1.15 lac was imposed on them, 60  consumers were found under UE category amount of 1.45 lac were imposed on them and in another category of UUE 5 consumer were fined 0.85 Lac as such amount of 41.49 Lac were imposed.

A spokesman of PSPCL said that during the visit to Amritsar Er. DPS Grewal, director distribution PSPCL, met industrialists of Amritsar city and Shri Goindwal Sahib as well as representatives of Hotel associations. He heard their grievances and the issues raised by the industrialists  and assured  to resolve their problems at the earliest possible.

PSPCL on its own mission fateh; tightening noose over power theft                                   

In order for a better action between PSPCL and Industrialists   a Whatsapp group of Industrialists and officers of PSPCL has been created, so that they can share their any kind of grievances/issues for early redressal of the same. Kamal Dalmia (President Focal Point Industrial Association), Surinder Singh (President of Amritsar Hotel Association), and representative of Goindwal Industrialists Association were present in the meeting. Chief Engineer, Border Zone, Er. Pardeep Saini, who was also present at the spot and ensured uninterrupted power supply would be provided to consumers. Er.DPS Grewal, Director Distribution, PSPCL said that systematic raids will continue in the future to detect Power theft. PSPCL CMD A Venu Prasad has issued directives for Zero Tolerance to theft and pending Defaulting Amount as well as corruption.


Er.DPS Grewal has appealed to all its consumers of the state to help PSPCL  in controlling the menace of theft of electricity by providing information about  theft of power for campaign against theft of electricity in the state. Any person  can inform about theft of electricity on Whatsapp no 96461-75770. PSPCL assures its consumers that their identity will not be disclosed.

August, 18,2020