PSPCL overpowered smartness of consumers, added Rs 1.32 crores in its coffers, in one week


PSPCL overpowered smartness of consumers, added Rs 1.32 crores in its coffers, in one week

Kanwar Inder Singh/ News/ June 29,2023

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited campaign against theft of electricity in Punjab is getting momentum day-by-day and with an outcome of positive results.

As per available information, PSPCL overpowered smartness of consumers; powercom added Rs 1.32 crores in its coffers in one week as penalty money from smart consumers who were found stealing electricity.

As per sources, the PSPCL’s enforcement teams of Amritsar, Bathinda, Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Patiala  circles along with Police officials had checked the premises of  thousands of consumers and had imposed  a fine of  sum of rupees Rs 1.32 crores fine for theft of electricity and unauthorised use of electricity by these so called smart consumers.

Out of these Rs 1.32 crores, Rs 44.84 lacs fine was imposed on consumers stealing power or using electricity unauthorisidely on June 22,2023, Rs 32 lacs fine imposed on June 24,2023, Rs 15.70 lacs on June 26, 2023 and Rs. 40.04 lacs on June 29,2023.

As per PSPCL’s spokesperson ”this  special campaign to root out theft of electricity from the  Punjab will continue during the ongoing summer/paddy season.  Spokesman also said that during this  campaign PSPCL will  impose fine  to the erring consumers,  and take appropriate action as per electricity act against erring  consumers all categories. The spokesperson also clarified that instructions have been issued to all PSPCL officers/officials that honest electricity consumers should  not face any kind of problem  .”

PSPCL overpowered smartness of consumers; powercom added Rs 1.32 crores in its coffers in one week
Power Theft

Elaborating further, PSPCL spokesman disclosed that different enforcement teams of Amritsar, Bathinda, Jalandhar, Ludhiana and Patiala enforecement circles are working wholeheartedly and dealing with all the power theft complaints on priority basis.

PSPCL spokesman  has appealed to all its consumers to help PSPCL in controlling the menace of theft of electricity by providing information about theft of power for campaign against theft of electricity in the state. Consumers/informers can also inform about theft of electricity on Whatsapp no 96461-75770 PSPCL assured its consumers that their identity will not be disclosed.