PSPCL reinstated its Chief Engineer days before retirement


PSPCL reinstated its Chief Engineer days before retirement

KI Singh/ Patiala

Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) management reinstated its Chief Engineer Er Sandeep Kumar, who was suspended after an audio clip of him seeking illegal gratification from a contractor, went viral on social media, on October, 9, 2019, before his retirement on December, 31, 2019.

Er Sandeep Kumar joined his new posting as Chief Engineer Planning on December ,30,2019 and retire on next day i.e December, 31, 2019. Er Sandeep Kumar was reinstated on December 24, 2019, mere a week before his retirement and posted him as Chief Engineer Planning, at PSPCL head office, Patiala. But due to holidays, he joined on December 30, 2019.

It was for the first time in the history of Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL), when the top management of the Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) took a stern action against its serving chief engineer (Border Zone) Sandeep Kumar and suspended him on gratification charges.

PSPCL gracefully retire its chief engineer who created history-Photo courtesy Internet

PSPCL Chairman cum managing director Er Baldev Singh Sran took immediate action after receiving an audio clip in which PSPCL Border Zone chief engineer Sandeep Kumar was heard negotiating with one of the contractors a deal in which he had passed some inflated bills for work undertaken by the contractor in the Border Zone. The clip was circulated on social media.

Immediately the top management of the PSPCL called an emergency special WTD (whole time directors) meet at its head office in Patiala and summoned the accused Boder Zone chief engineer Sandeep Kumar and sought his explanation. In that WTD meeting accused chief engineer admitted to the wrongdoings and sought leniency by sending him on a long leave. But after considering the ill effects, the top management took an immediate decision to place him under suspension.

“PSPCL gracefully retire its chief engineer who created history'” said a retired employee of the corporation. Now he will be entitled of all retirement benefits.