PSPCL stands in with its consumers in Covid pandemic; reliefs granted to Rs 500 crores -CMD


PSPCL stands in with its consumers in Covid pandemic; reliefs granted to Rs 500 crores -CMD

Kanwar Inder Singh/

In 2020, the prime focus of PSPCL was to become a support system for its consumers who were facing tough time due to COVID 19.

The Commercial and HR Directorates of PSPCL served people of Punjab in an efficient way and with full honesty and integrity as envisioned by the  Chief Minister cum Minister of Power, Captain Amarinder Singh. Under his dynamic leadership, various benefits were granted to consumers to help them during the pandemic.

A Venu Prasad, IAS (CMD, PSPCL cum Additional Chief Secretary, said that to mitigate the negative impact of COVID 19, relief and benefits to the tune of Rs. 500 Crores approximately have been granted to various categories of consumers. He promised that the department will bring more improvement in the performance in 2021 so that the quality and uninterrupted power can be supplied to its consumers.

Er. Gopal Sharma, Director/ Commercial cum Director/HR, PSPCL highlighted the achievements and mentioned that:

Measures During COVID 19: 

a) Due date for payment of electricity bills of Domestic, Commercial consumers with billing amount upto Rs. 10.000/- and of all industrial consumers was extended upto 01-06-2020 during the lockdown period.

b) Similarly, 1% (One percent) rebate on current energy bill was granted to DS, NRS consumers with billing amount upto Rs. 10,000/- and to all industrial consumers who deposited the amount in full or part by the original due date upto 20-04-2020. Subsequently, 1% rebate was allowed on any amount (advance/part/full) deposited between 21-04-2020 and 30­-04-2020 against previous arrears also in addition to current energy bills to all DS, NRS and Industrial Consumers. This rebate was admissible to above categories of our valued consumers on advance payments too.

c) The revision of security consumption of all categories of consumers has been deferred till December 31. 2020.

d) Facility of ‘Meter Reading on Trust’ was accorded to Commercial and Small Power Industrial Consumers during the period of total lockdown whereby, bills were issued to the above categories of consumers on the basis of the meter reading data uploaded by them. The consumers who could not upload this data were issued bills on average taking and were further allowed the facility to pay the bills in instalments in case of inability to pay the same in lumpsum.

e) In case of feasibility clearance cases of Industrial and all other categories of consumers wherein the validity to submit the A&A Form was between 20-3-2020 to 31-5-2020 has been allowed a grace period to submit the same up to 30-6-2020 without any financial liability.

f) Despite all odds, the suppliers were encouraged to supply essential materials to maintain the power distribution system and in genuine cases revised CDPS were allowed and timely payments to all MSME suppliers was ensured during this ongoing crisis period.

g) About 900 transformers were repaired in workshops of Patiala and Jagraon to overcome the shortage of transformers during the pandemic and paddy season 2020. Further, Repair contracts with private firms to get the damaged transformers repaired on priority are being actively pursued.

Achievements of Commercial Wing:

During the year 2020, various innovative and consumer friendly schemes such as ‘Pani Bachao, Paise Kamao’ under Direct Benefit Transfer of Electricity, Reduction in charges for shifting of 11 KV HT/LT lines passing over the buildings having insufficient physical clearance, Free power supply to agricultural tubewell consumers, Concessional electricity to SC, BPL, Backward Class and Freedom Fighters categories of consumers has been continued in an efficient way. Further process to make refunds of payments made in excess has been simplified and the same is allowed through cheques. Joint ownership of AP-tubewell connections in the name of heirs has been allowed to minimize hardship in the process of transfer of AP connections.

The department is fully committed to promote ‘Ease of Doing Business’ as envisioned by the government through simplification of procedures and reformative actions are being pursued to enable hassle free release of connections in various categories as per the policy of the Government.

Achievements of Material Management Wing:

  1. Procurement of LED Lamps for Conservation of Energy: 15.74 Lacs energy Efficient 9 Watt LED Bulbs have been procured for distribution among SC, BC & BPL categories of consumers of PSPCL under “Kifaiti LED Bulb Yojana”. Also energy Efficient 9 Watt LED Lamps & 20 Watt LED Tube Lights were procured to replace Fluorescent Tube Lights in the buildings of PSPCL in order to conserve energy.
  1. Vendor Development Policy: To encourage new suppliers, New Vendor Development Policy has been framed and is under the active consideration of the PSPCL’s Board of Directors. To promote manufacturing in the state, order preference to Punjab based firms has been increased from 20% to 50% in material procurement.

Achievements of HRD Wing:

  1. Training: PSPCL has signed M.O.A. with RECIPMT Hyderabad (M.O.P. Govt. of India) to impart training to 1750 employees. PSPCL will receive Rs. 90 Lacs for this activity. It is noteworthy that HR Wing of the PSPCL has provided training to some Linemen of electricity Department, UT Chandigarh and earned Rs. 6.50 Lacs recently.
  1. Restructuring of Manpower in PSPCL: Various committees were constituted for reviewing Cadre Management Plan and Staffing Norms with the objective of achieving more efficiency and economy in manpower deployment.
  1. Recruitment of Staff:The process of recruitment for various posts such as LDCs, JEs (Electrical and Civil), Revenue Accountants, Accounts Officers, Assistant Engineers, etc. has been put on fast track and is likely to be completed by the end of this financial year.
  1. Legal Cell: In order to streamline the monitoring of court cases, Legal Section of the PSPCL has completed the process of registrations and integration with the ECCMS, a portal developed by the Govt. of Punjab. User I.Ds and passwords to 1500 offices have been issued and about 11500 cases have been uploaded on the portal till date.

Er. Gopal Sharma, Director/ Commercial cum Director/HR, PSPCL said that the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) module has been initiated in both directorates for better management of activities.

Er. Bhupinder Khosla, Chief Engineer/ Distribution, Central Ludhiana said that he will adhere to the directions of the authority for better working of the department in this year as well. The department will procure the material for providing effective services on the basis of the directions of the authority as envisioned by the government.PSPCL is in continuation in the service of its prestigious consumers and bring out the Reforms in the power sector in various fields like,DBTE Scheme (Pani Bachao Paisa Kamao) being lead by work Development   and setting up of consumers online 1912 Complaint registering facilities throughout Punjab. Er.D.P.S.Grewal Worthy Director/Distribution is always of the view that consumers is very important person for PSPCL as all PSPCL Projects /Establishment depends upon him & accordingly Periodic Maintenance  of lines  & transformers are being carried out on daily basis for preparations of Paddy 2021.

January 7,2021