Publicise fundamental duties; affixed reflectors on stray animals-DLSA


Publicise fundamental duties; affixed reflectors on stray animals-DLSA

KI Singh/ Patiala

The District Legal Services Authority Patiala today convened a quarterly meeting under the Chairmanship of Rajinder Aggarwal, District & Sessions Judge.  The upcoming National Lok Adalat, which is to be held on 08.2.2020, was highlighted. He also stated that in the upcoming Lok Adalat, all matters, except Criminal Non Compoundable  matters, shall be taken up for their disposal after amicable settlement between the parties. He appealed to the public at large to get their cases fixed in the National Lok Adalat and to avail speedy justice. In this meeting, implementation of the yearlong campaign, focusing on main features of constitution & awareness of citizen’s duties including fundamental duties with the collaboration of concerned departments was discussed.  It has been decided that charts/flexes depicting fundamental duties are to be affixed in schools in district Patiala by District Legal Services Authority, Patiala and seminars would be organized in schools as well as villages. He also discussed about the publicity of implementation of NALSA Schemes.

Publicise fundamental duties; affixed reflectors on stray animals-DLSA

It has further been decided that with the collaboration of Government department and NGOs reflections be affixed on stray animals.  He also stressed on the promotion of Punjab Victims Compensation Scheme (357-A Cr.Pc.). Ishmat Vijay Singh, Assistant Commissioner General insured to get compliance of the above said project from the concerned departments. The meeting amongst others was attended by   Priya Sood, ADJ-I,  Parminder Kaur, CJM-cum-Secretary, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala,  Deepti Gupta, CJM, DPRO,  Sanjiv Gupta, District Attorney, Patiala,  Mandeep Singh Sidhu, SSP, Patiala,  Ashok Singla, Dr. Anita Preet kaur and Dr. Manju Arora, nominated members of  DLSA, Patiala .  Parminder  Kaur, District Legal Services Authority, Patiala also presented the progress report for the period of  October, 2019 to December, 2019. She  told that National Lok Adalat was organized, in which a total of 5853 cases were taken up and 1776 cases were disposed of by various benches constituted in Sessions Division, Patiala disbursing an amount of Rs. 26,49,16,817/-. Total 137 seminars were organized in district Patiala and total 8290 persons were benefitted. Total 359 persons were provided free legal aid. Total 68 cases were settled in Mediation centre. Total 138 cases were disposed off in Permanent Lok Adaalt (Public Utility Services)  and awards of Rs. 1,4753594/- were passed.