Punjab govt to end ad-hocism in power sector; inviting application for top PSPCL, PSTCL positions


Punjab govt to end ad-hocism in power sector; inviting application for top PSPCL, PSTCL positions

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in News/ September 9,2024

In an utter surprise, Punjab government which has committed the residents to give them cheap electricity has invited applications for the post of chairman cum managing director (CMD) and some directors before the expiry of their extended terms. This is for the first time that government is going to end the ad-hocism in the power sector.

As per available information,  the Punjab government has decided to invite application for full-time chairman-cum-managing director (CMD), Director Distribution, Director Commercial, Director HR of PSPCL and , Director Technical (PSTCL). The power department is going to invite the application for the post of CMD ,till October 15,2024. State government fixes the upper age limit of 65 years.

As per availble information, the government has already advertised the post of Director Generation (PSPCL) and Director Finance and Commercial PSTCL

The term of incumbent CMD Baldev Singh Sran is going to end on 06 February 2025.  The Director Distribution DIPS Grewal term is going to end on February 27,2025. The term of Director Generation (PSPCL) Paramjit Singh is going to end on September 30,2024.

The incumbent CMD Baldev Singh Sra was first appointed as CMD for two years term in 2018-2020. Then the govt appointed a bureaucrat A Venu Prasad as the CMD. In Dec 2021 Sra was again appointed as CMD . After that he regularly got extension and his present term is going to expire on February 6,2025.

The power corporation assumes significance in the wake of provision of free power to the domestic sector and agricultural sector. This also holds significance, as a dispute between the powercom management and engineers association is going on, from the last many months.

As per sources “the tenure of CMD shall be as per the terms and conditions of the appointment letter appointment shall be initially for a period of two years which can be further extended upto maximum tenure of five years. For the post of CMD, a person should have served for a minimum period of 25 years in a central or state public utility or central electricity authority and have an experience in the field of electricity generation or distribution for a period not less than 10 years and has worked as CE pr EIC as the case may be in a power utility company or its equivalent for a minimum period of two years during the aforesaid period of 25 years”.

Punjab govt to end ad-hocism in power sector; inviting application for top PSPCL, PSTCL positions

For the post of Director Distribution, Commercial, Technical  a person should have served for a minimum period of 25 years in a central or state public utility or central electricity authority, worked at the level of CE or equivalent / higher position in a power sector at least for one year is one of the common eligibility.

As per available information, “Application for all the post should reach in the office of Superintendent (Energy Branch) , Department of Power, Govt Of Punjab, Room No, 315, 3rd Floor, Punjab Civil Sectt-2, Sector 9 Chandigarh latest by October 15,2024.”

Punjab govt to end ad-hocism in power sector; inviting application for top PSPCL, PSTCL positions. After the receipt of applications, the process of short listing, selection and interview will start. It’s a lengthy process.