Punjab Pollution Control Board launches “Say No to Single Use Plastic” campaign


Punjab Pollution Control Board launches “Say No to Single Use Plastic” campaign

Kanwar Inder Singh/ royalpatiala.in

As we all know that Ministry of Environment, Forests & Climate Change (MoEF&CC), New Delhi has issued notification No. G.S.R. 571 (E) dated 12.08.2021 vide which manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale & use of identified single use plastic (SUP) items prohibited w.e.f. 01.07.2022 at PAN India Level.

To make this ban also effective in Punjab, a special, physical awareness campaign regarding ban on identified items of SUP was carried out by Punjab Pollution Control Board in main markets of Patiala city. To make this campaign successful, Prof. (Dr.) Adarsh Pal Vig, Chairman, Er. Krunesh Garg, Member Secretary and other higher officers of the Board themselves visited Model Town, City Centre, 22 No. Phatak & other main markets of Patiala city for creating awareness among the general public and shopkeepers.  During the campaign, paper & cloth bags were distributed to the general public to avoid the use of plastic carry bags. Posters mentioning the banned items & its alternate were also distributed to the shopkeepers. This campaign was carried out with the help of local N.G.O Patiala Social Welfare Society.

Er. Krunesh Garg informed that the Board has already taken several steps to aware the public regarding ban on single use plastic (SUP). Regional Officers of the Board are working in coordination with District Administration for implementation of ban on single use plastic. Er. Krunesh Garg informed that chocking of sewers, drains, water bodies is also due to plastic blockage. Mixing of plastic with solid waste as well as open dumping and burning of such waste releases toxic gases and thus enhancing air pollution.

Punjab Pollution Control Board launches “Say No to Single Use Plastic” campaign

Prof. Dr. Vig informed that plastic/thermocol is non-biodegradable for hundreds of years, only a tiny percentage is recycled. He also informed that the plastic products/bottles also pollute our oceans, kill marine animals, birds, cattles etc. Some animals take plastic bags alongwith food.  (Dr.) Adarsh Pal Vig requested the general public to use these cloth bags on daily basis for carrying fruits, vegetables & other household items. During campaigning, it was observed that some peoples are already using cloth bags for shopping. Dr. Vig appreciated these peoples and requested the other general public to adopt the alternates of plastic carry bags and other alternatives of banned SUP items for welfare of the society as well as environment.

Punjab Pollution Control Board launches “Say No to Single Use Plastic” campaign. Vijay Kumar Goyal and Devi Dayal Goyal informed that Patiala Social Welfare Society is working for the betterment of the environment for the last 15-20 years. He told that thousands of paper & cloth bags have been distributed with the help of Punjab Pollution Control Board. He thanked the Punjab Pollution Control Board team for conducting awareness campaigning regarding ban on single use plastic.

July 1,2022